Fuchsia Show 2022


Considering the weather conditions this summer, with temperatures peaking at 40 degrees centigrade, together with brisk winds, the number of plants and their quality was excellent.

We had 17 members making 91 entries in 31 classes.  This resulted in 116 exhibits being entered.

I would like to thank all the members who helped to make this year’s show a great success.  As usual the people helping make my job much easier and it is very much appreciated, thank you.

Bob Malin

Show Secretary


David Jupp presenting Malcolm Beerman with the Ray Campbell Trophy for the Best Pot or Exhibit in Show. He was also awarded the Harris Cup for the Runner Up to the Best Pot or Exhibit in Show.  On the right is Malcom’s pot of Rebecca Ward that was awarded Best Exhibit in Show, one of three 5" pots.


Northampton & District Fuchsia Society

Saturday 6th August 2022

JUDGE: Mr Geoff Smith, BFS Judge

Trophies and Special Awards

Trophy Category Awarded to
Ray Campbell Trophy Best pot or exhibit in show Mr M Beerman
Harris Cup Runner up to best pot or exhibit in show Mr M Beerman
Leo Boullemier Silver Trophy and BFS Bronze Medal Most points in classes 8 to 32 Mr & Mrs C Gould
Lepper Cup and BFS Blue Rosette Runner up to most points in classes 8 to 32 Mr R Malin
Baker Trophy Most first places in show Mr & Mrs C Gould
Sayers Silver Trophy Best Standard in show Mr R Malin
Peg & Stan York Cup Best hanging pot in show Mr & Mrs C Gould
BFS Crested Spoon Best pot in 3½"/9cm class Mr & Mrs C Gould
Adams Cup Best pot in 5"/13cm pot class Mr M Beerman
Josie Lepper Rose Bowl Best pot in Double Flower classes Mr R Malin
Starmer/York Trophy Best pot in classes 8 to 27 Mr M Beerman
J W Jupp & Son Trophy Best exhibit in cut blooms classes Mr R Malin
Harding Cup Most points in Beginners' classes not awarded
Hickman Memorial Trophy Most points in Intermediates' classes Mr L Northover
A & L Smith Trophy Best pot in Beginners' classes not awarded
Michael Conroy Trophy Best pot in Beginners'/Intermediates' 3½"/9cm classes Mr L Northover
Chris & Stuart Burton Cup Best pot in Intermediates' classes Mrs J Maris
J A Tonnison Trophy Winner of Beginners’/Intermediates’ Hanging Pot class Mr B Harbour
John Belton Memorial Trophy Best pot in Society Plant classes Mrs P Thorn
Alan Hounslow Trophy Winner of Variegated Foliage class Mr & Mrs C Gould
J B Linnell Cup Winner of Triphylla class Mr & Mrs C Gould
J M Julyan Shield Winner of Species class Mrs P Thorn
Pettitt & Daniels Trophy Winner of pot grown as a structure class Mr & Mrs C Gould
Arthur Bryan Silver Trophy Winner of Mini Standard class Mr R Malin
Summers Trophy Winner of Quarter, Half and Full Standard class not awarded
Barbara Watkins Chalice Winner of Half Basket class Mr R Malin
NDFS 25yr Commemorative Trophy Winner of Full Basket class Mr P Pettit
Bill Swann Shield Winner of novelty class Mr & Mrs C Gould
Chairman's Choice Rosette Most Improved Exhibitor/Contributor Mr D Jupp



Class 1    Beginners.  1 x 3.5"/9cm pot (max).  Any cultivar.  No entries.


Class 2    Beginners.  1 x 5"/13cm pot (max).  Any cultivar.  No entries.


Class 3    Beginners.  Any size pot.  Any Cultivar.  No entries.


Class 4    Intermediate.  1 x 3.5"/9cm pot (max).  Any cultivar.  1 entry.

1st Mr L Northover Mr A Huggett

Class 5    Intermediate.  1 x 5"/13cm pot (max).  Any cultivar.  3 entries.

1st Mr L Northover Nell B
2nd Mrs J Maris Dollar Princess
3rd Mr C Leeke unknown

Class 6    Intermediate.  Any size pot.  Any cultivar.  1 entry.

1st Mrs J Maris unknown

Lewis Northover receiving the Michael Conroy Trophy from our own David Jupp and his entry in Intermediate Class 4 of Mr A Huggett.


Class 7    Beginners/Intermediate.  10"/25cm (max) Hanging Pot.  Multi-plant.  Any cultivar.  1entry.

1st Mr B Harbour Red Sunrise

Class 8    Open.  1 x 3.5"/9cm pot (max).  Any cultivar.  6 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Alicia Sellars
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould Twinny
3rd Mr B Malin Kobold

Class 9    Open.  2 x 3.5"/9cm pots (max).  Any matching pair of cultivars.  2 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Colin Dorrington
2nd Mr R Malin Shatzy B

Class 10 Open.  3 x 3.5"/9cm pots (max).  Any cultivars.  2 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Colin Dorrington, Kobold, Alicia Sellars
2nd Mr P Hunt not recorded

Class 11 Open.  Society Plant – Widnes Wonder.  3.5"/9cm pot (max).  6 entries.

1st Mrs V Lovett
2nd Mrs D Leeke
3rd Mr C Leeke

Class 12 Open.  Society Plant – Mrs Audrey Berkeley.  5"/13cm pot (max).  5 entries.

1st Mrs P Thorn
2nd Mr P Hunt
3rd Mr & Mrs C Gould

Class 13 Open.  1 x 5"/13cm pot (max).  Any cultivar.  6 entries.

1st Mr M Beerman Ginny B
2nd Mr R Malin Loves Reward
3rd Mr R Malin Ben Ben

Class 14 Open.  3 x 5"/13cm pots (max).  Any cultivars.  3 entries.

1st Mr M Beerman not recorded
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould Hayley Jackson, Anne Reid, Toby S
3rd Mr P Hunt not recorded

Class 15 Open.  1 x 5"/13cm (max).  Double flower cultivar only.  3 entries.

1st Mr R Malin Lillian Annette
2nd Mr P Hunt Winston Churchill
3rd Mr P Hunt Whoopee

Malcolm Beerman receiving the Harris Cup for the Runner Up to the Best in Show.  On the right is Malcolm's entry in Class 13 - 5" pot any cultivar - of Ginny B.


Class 16 Open.  1 x 6"/15cm pots (max).  Any cultivar.  4 entries.

1st Mr M Beerman Seedling Nottingham Jubilee
2nd Mr R Malin Lyndon
3rd Mr & Mrs C Gould Squirtie

Class 17 Open.  2 x 6"/15cm (max).  Any matching pair of cultivars.  No entries.


Class 18 Open.  Three pot class.  Any cultivars in 1 x 3.5"/9cm + 1 x 5"/13cm + 1 x 6"/15cm pots.  2 entries.

1st Mr M Beerman Nell B, Kenny Walkling, Kobold
2nd Mr P Hunt Nell B, Lyndon Clements, Lyndon

Class 19 Open.  1 x 7"/18cm pot (max).  Any cultivar.  4 entries.

1st Mr R Malin Angela King
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould Seedling Nottingham Jubilee
3rd Mrs M Daniels unknown

Class 20 Open.  1 x 7"/18cm pot (max).  Double flower only.  No entries.


Class 21 Open.  1 x 7"/18cm pot (max).  Variegated Foliage cultivar.  4 entries.

1st Mr P Hunt Tom West
2nd Mr R Malin Janice Perry
3rd Mrs W Addington Tom West

Class 22 Open.  1 x 7"/18cm pot (max).  Encliandra Type (Breviflorae).  7 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Oulton Red Imp
2nd Mr R Malin Lottie Hobbie
3rd Mrs W Addington Little Jessica

Class 23 Open.  Triphylla Type.  Any size pot.  2 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Jaspers Lightning
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould Gartenmeister Bonstedt

Class 24 Open.  Species, sub-species and variants.  Any size pot.  2 entries.

1st Mrs P Thorn unknown
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould F. glazioviana

Class 25 Open.  One pot grown as a structure not specified in any other class.  2 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Oulton Ring
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould T.S.J. (Radar)

Clive and Tracey Gould being presented with the Leo Boullemier Silver Trophy and BFS Bronze Medal for Most Points in Classes 8 to 32 and their entry in Class 32, a 10" hanging pot of Wilsons Pearls.


Class 26 Open.  Mini Standard.  5"/13cm pot (max).  3 entries.

1st Mr R Malin Ernie
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould Mr A Huggett
3rd Mr P Hunt unknown

Class 27 Open.  Quarter, Half or Full Standard.  Any size pot.  no entries.


Class 28 Open.  Half Basket.  One or more plants.  16"/41cm dia. (max).  2 entries.

1st Mr R Malin Sylvia Barker
2nd Mrs J Maris Hayley Jackson

Class 29 Open.  Full Basket.  One or more plants.  16"/41cm dia. (max).  3 entries.

1st Mr P Pettitt Daisy Bell
2nd Mrs P Pettitt La Campanella
3rd Mrs M Daniels Trailing Queen

Peter Pettitt receiving the NDFS 25yr Commemorative Trophy for his entry of Daisy Bell in the Full Basket Class, on the right.


Class 30 Open.  6"/15cm (max) Hanging Pot.  One or more plants.  No entries.


Class 31 Open.  8"/20cm (max) Hanging Pot.  One or more plants.  2 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Delicate Purple
2nd Mr P Hunt Auntie Jinks

Class 32 Open.  10"/25cm (max) Hanging Pot.  One or more plants.  4 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Wilsons Pearls
2nd Mr R Malin Sylvia Barker
3rd Mr D Jupp Putts Folly

Class 33 Open.  6 Fuchsia Flowers.  Different cultivars.  4 entries.

1st Mr P Hunt
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould
3rd Mr R Malin

Class 34 Open.  6 Fuchsia Flowers.  All the same cultivar.  5 entries.

1st Mr R Malin unknown
2nd Mr P Hunt Pabbes Kirrevaalk
3rd Mr & Mrs C Gould unknown

Bob Malin being presented with the J W Jupp & Son Trophy for his best exhibit in the Cut Blooms classes.


Class 35 Open.  An Arrangement of Fuchsia Flowers in a 9"/23cm dia. Glass Bowl.  2 entries.

1st Mrs C Malin
2nd Mrs M Daniels

Class 36 Open.  Novelty Class.  24" board with a theme depicting the name of the fuchsia.  2 entries.

1st Mr & Mrs C Gould Sprigamint
2nd Mr & Mrs C Gould Feather Duster

Class 37 Open.  A Fuchsia Bonsai exhibit in a Bonsai style container.  2 entries.

1st Mr M Beerman Oosjie
2nd Mr P Hunt White Jubilee

Placings for Special Awards


Most Points in Classes 8 to 32

1st Boullemier Trophy & BFS Bronze Medal Mr & Mrs C Gould
2nd Lepper Cup & BFS Rosette Mr R Malin
3rd Mr P Hunt

Most 1st Places in Show

1st Baker Trophy Mr & Mrs C Gould
2nd Mr M Beerman
3rd Mr R Malin

Most Points in the Beginners’ Classes

1st Harding Cup not awarded

Most Points in the Intermediates’ Classes

1st Hickman Memorial Trophy Mr L Northover
2nd Mrs J Maris
Mr C Leeke

Bob Malin being presented with the Barbara Watkins Chalice for the winner of the Half Basket Class.  On the right is Bob's entry of Sylvia Barker in the Half Basket class.